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Best Strategies To Increase Website Conversion Rates

Published on
May 8, 2024

Table of contents

You have some traffic on your website, but the real impact occurs when that traffic leads to actual transactions, such as purchases, newsletter signups, or scheduling consultations. 

Whatever it is, we must design the website to push the customer into that next step, ultimately driving more revenue and profits. The good news is that there are many proven steps and methods to increase website conversion rates. However, a solid strategy is necessary to achieve your goals.

In this article, we discuss and reveal the steps involved in that strategy. These include straightforward actions such as optimizing the website for peak performance, designing compelling landing pages, using reviews and testimonials effectively, and more.

Optimize Website Speed and Performance to Increase Conversion Rate

We have to start from the very basics and improve the customer experience at a foundational level. People have very little attention span today and the internet space is quite competitive. 

Having fast-loading web pages will set you ahead of a lot of competitors and make the user experience more seamless. 

Website Speed Benchmarks to Increase Conversions

  • Strive for your website to load in under 3 seconds. Google statistics suggest that up to 53% of mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.
  • Aim for a TTFB (Time To First Byte) of less than 200 milliseconds.
  • Content should ideally begin displaying on the screen or the initial render time should occur within 1-2 seconds. Shorter render times can greatly enhance the user's perception of your site's speeds. 
  • Aim for a fully loaded time of less than 5 seconds on both desktop and mobile.

To get these benchmarks and boost conversions, here are some simple strategies you can follow:

  • Minimize Image Sizes: Large images can drag down your website’s loading speed. Opt for compressed images in WebP formats that maintain quality but reduce file size. Online free tools like Photopea or TinyPNG can do the job efficiently.
  • Leverage Browser Caching: When you leverage browser caching, you temporarily allow visitors' browsers to store copies of your pages. This means that returning visitors will experience faster loading times because their browser doesn't need to reload the entire page from scratch.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN stores copies of your website on multiple servers worldwide. This way, when someone visits your site, they download files from the server closest to them, speeding up the process.

Tools you can use to evaluate website speed and performance are Google Page Speed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, etc. 

Implement Clear and Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs) to Increase Conversion Rates

You have to have a tempting and clickable CTA. An attractive CTA copywriting, design, and placements are what drive conversion rates. 

Let’s understand that with an example. Songflinch creates customized songs as gifts and is quite a successful business. Its homepage has an orange-colored button that says “Start Your Song.” If it isn’t obvious, that is the CTA. 

This button is the first thing you will notice on the website, even before the logo. That’s because its vibrant orange color stands out on the otherwise black-and-white website, and its copy is quite simple, actionable, urgent, and effective. Moreover, their positioning is strategic as this CTA appears on the top and towards the end of the website copy. 

Source: Songflinch

Best Practices for Effective CTAs

  • Use Actionable Language: Your CTA should start with a verb that conveys the action you want the user to take, such as "Download," "Subscribe," "Learn More," or "Get Started." This direct approach leaves no room for ambiguity for a user about what to do next. 
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Phrases like "Offer ends soon!" or "Limited availability" can make your offer feel more urgent, prompting quicker action from users.
  • Make Them Stand Out: CTAs should visually stand out from the rest of the page. This can be achieved through size, color, or placement that contrasts with other elements.
  • Keep it Simple and Clear: The message should be straightforward and concise. A cluttered or confusing CTA can dissuade users from taking action.
  • Place Them Strategically: Include CTAs both above and below the fold to cater to users regardless of how much they choose to scroll. Positioning them logically after informative sections can also increase their effectiveness.

Create a Persuasive Landing Page to Increase Website Conversion

A landing page is created with the intention of conversions and is used as a tool in marketing campaigns to capture leads, do effective promotions, and most importantly, convert. 

Once someone has arrived on your landing page, you have to be persuasive enough to make them click the CTA. 

Key Elements of a Persuasive Landing Page and Best Tips For It

  • Compelling Headlines: Your headline is the first thing visitors see and sets the tone for the entire page. It should be attention-grabbing, relevant, and aligned with the visitor’s expectations. 
  • Persuasive Copy: The text on your landing page should be concise and focused on the benefits of the offer. Use clear, jargon-free language that speaks directly to the visitor’s needs and desires. Highlight the value proposition early and often to keep readers engaged.
  • Relevant Imagery: Images are not just embellishments; they play a crucial role in reinforcing your message and showing the tangible benefits of your offer. Use high-quality, relevant images that align with your text to help visitors visualize the benefits and foster emotional engagement.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Your CTA buttons should stand out and make it clear what visitors will get by clicking. Use action-oriented text that drives the visitor forward in the conversion process.
  • Test and Refine: Use A/B testing to try different elements on your landing page, from headlines and images to CTAs and overall layout. Analyze performance metrics to identify what works best and continuously refine your approach.
  • Streamline the Design: Keep the design simple and the layout intuitive. Every element should lead naturally to your CTA, avoiding unnecessary distractions. Consistent color schemes, readable fonts, and adequate spacing can make the page visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Use Social Proof: Incorporate elements of social proof such as testimonials, customer reviews, and trust badges. These help to build credibility and reassure visitors that they are making the right choice.

CD Baby, a music distribution platform for musicians and artists has a great landing page, as it consists of a well-designed first page with a consistent design language and an effective CTA, a solid and catchy headline, and overall a simple, effective, and easy-to-follow copywriting. 

Source: CD Baby

Next, CD Baby also states its value proposition in a streamlined and straightforward manner. Note how their CTA language changes after the value proposition. 

Source: CD Baby

Further, their artist testimonials act as good social proof of their services. 

Source: CD Baby

Leverage Social Proof & Testimonials to Improve Website Conversion Rate

The psychology of social proof simply says that a perception of success and happy customers or clients leads to more success and clients/customers. Think of when you wanted to pick a place to eat and you felt attracted to the restaurant with the most crowd. 

In the digital world, when you are ordering online food, you check reviews and ratings to assess whether or not the place is worth ordering from. That’s how social proof works. 

You must leverage the power and persuasion of testimonials and online reviews, whether video testimonials, Google reviews, TrustPilot reviews, or social media shoutouts, to convert more customers. 

Today, reviews and testimonials are what influence online decisions the most. Approximately 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends or family, according to a study by BrightLocal.

Source: Songflinch’s Testimonials as Social Proof to build trust and drive more conversions

Source: Songflinch’s Reviews as Social Proof to build trust and drive more conversions

However, collecting and managing testimonials and reviews can be quite a task, stressful, and time-consuming. To solve that problem, we have created Testimonial Donut, where we provide you with a streamlined and straightforward interface to manage all your testimonials, send testimonial requests, and collect them, all in a convenient singular dashboard. 

We have customizable email templates, widget designs, and other tools to help you utilize the power of social proof on your website and marketing material. So do check Testimonial Donut out! 

Offer Free Trials or Samples to Improve Conversion Rates

Samples and free trials let users assess the quality of your products and services and decrease the barrier to transacting or interacting with you. Moreover, free trials are also a great way to get more sign-ups and newsletter subscriptions. 

That also helps you gather more data and insight about the users, which will further act as feedback and help you improve your website, products, etc. Finally, if they like your work and the user is willing to spend, you get a sale. 

Overall, it reduces risk for the customer, increases engagement/boosts SEO, builds trust, and leads to better word-of-mouth. Hence, there are various ways free trials can help you convert more users into customers, clients, subscribers, etc. 

For example, at Testimonial Donut, we offer some of our services, like collecting and sharing testimonials and Google reviews, for free. 

Source: Testimonial Donut

Source: Testimonial Donut

Use Exit-Intent Popups for Improving Conversion Rates

Exit-intent popups are a strategic tool for capturing leads and reducing bounce rates by presenting a compelling message or offer just as a visitor is about to leave your website. 

These exit-intent popups can be highly effective because they grab attention at a critical moment, potentially changing a visitor's decision to leave without engagement. Lush uses these exit-intent popups for newsletter subscriptions. 

Source: Lush

Similarly, you can also offer discounts and deals to attract users and keep them engaged, like J.Crew does.  

Source: JCrew

How to Increase Conversion Rate on Website Using Compelling Exit-Intent Popups for Conversion Growth

  • Offer Value: Provide something of immediate value like a discount code, free ebook, or exclusive access to content. This incentive should be relevant to what they viewed on your site to maximize relevance and impact.
  • Keep It Simple: Use clear, concise language that communicates the offer quickly and effectively. The design should be clean, with a bold call-to-action that’s easy to find and click.
  • Segment Offers: Tailor popup content based on the visitor's behavior or the content they engaged with. Personalized offers are more likely to convert.
  • Test and Optimize: Continuously test different messages, designs, and offers to see what resonates best with your audience and refine them based on performance.

Optimize Forms for Conversion Rate Increase

Forms can be a great way to collect insights and data about your customers and know them better to better serve them and improve your services/products based on these forms. However, long and complicated forms can add resistance and distance between you and your customers. 

So you want to simplify the forms, make the process as smooth as possible, and make it as easy for customers to fill out the form as you can. 

Key Tips to Streamline Forms and Enhance User Experience

  • Reduce Form Fields: Long, intimidating forms can deter users from completing them. Hence, eliminate unnecessary fields and only ask for essential information that is crucial for your conversion goals.
    Remember, every additional field increases the likelihood of form abandonment.
  • Use Inline Validation: Inline validation provides real-time feedback to users as they fill out the form. It helps prevent errors and guides users towards correct input, leading to a smoother form submission process.
    By addressing mistakes immediately, you reduce frustration and increase the chances of successful form completion.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Use responsive design principles to make sure your forms display properly on all screen sizes. Additionally, consider using mobile-specific features such as native form elements to enhance usability.
  • Progressive Profiling: Instead of overwhelming users with a lengthy form upfront, collect basic information initially and then gradually gather additional details over time through subsequent interactions. This approach reduces form fatigue and increases the likelihood of engagement.
  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to compare form variations and determine which elements yield the highest conversion rates. Continuously refine your forms based on data-driven insights to optimize performance.
  • Optimize Load Times: Optimize your forms for fast loading times by minimizing unnecessary elements, optimizing images, and leveraging caching techniques. 

The following checkout page by Gift a Melody, an Indian customized song gifting company, has a short and to-the-point form that offers simple steps for easy purchase. 

Source: Gift a Melody

Personalize the User Experience

Today, we have the privilege, means, and data to personalize the website as per the demography, behavior, and preference of users, and we should utilize that to its full potential.

We suggest you dynamically display recommended products or content based on past interactions, utilize purchase history to suggest relevant items, and offer personalized recommendations or promotions via email or on-site messaging. 

Be creative and personalize the UX as much as you can. This level of customization not only enhances the user experience but also fosters a deeper connection with the brand.

Improve Mobile Responsiveness to Increase Your Conversion Rate

According to Google, mobile-friendly websites have a 67% higher chance of converting visitors into customers. That’s obviously because we spend most of our time on our smartphones, and users may interact with your business more from their mobile devices. 

Source: Tilda

Ways by which you can optimize Mobile websites: 

  • Employing responsive design principles to adapt layout and content fluidly across various screen sizes. 
  • Optimizing images and content for smaller screens reduces load times and enhances readability. 
  • Prioritizing essential information, minimizing text, and utilizing mobile-friendly navigation further improve usability. 
  • Regular testing across different devices and screen sizes is essential to identify and address any issues promptly. 

Ultimately, prioritizing mobile responsiveness not only enhances user experience but also positively impacts search engine rankings and overall site performance.

Offer Live Chat Support for Better Conversions

This is just another step in improving user experience which ultimately leads to more conversions. According to icmi.com, websites with live chat support experience conversion rate increases ranging from 20% to 40%.

With live chat support, users get instant assistance and more personalized interactions, and for businesses, it’s cost-effective. 

Source: Jasper AI

To implement these, you can use AI-powered chatbots or agent-routed chat services. You can even combine both, or initiate chat invitations based on user behavior, such as prolonged browsing or cart abandonment, to offer assistance proactively.

Create Urgency with Limited-Time Offers

Have you ever had an online experience in which you had to rush your transaction to grab a deal that was time-constrained? Sounds familiar, right?

FOMO is a trick that marketers and businesses have been utilizing way before online businesses were a thing. Earlier it was common in traditional brick-and-mortar stores, where limited-time sales and doorbuster deals would draw in crowds. Shoppers would rush to grab the best discounts or limited-stock items before they were gone.

Today, this strategy has transitioned seamlessly into the digital world. E-commerce platforms regularly employ time-sensitive deals, such as flash sales, limited-time promotions, and exclusive offers, to create urgency and drive quick conversions. 

Source: Gift a Melody (Limited-time offer displayed on top of the website to create FOMO)

These strategies capitalize on the psychology of scarcity and immediacy, pushing customers to act fast to secure a deal. However, overuse may lead to desensitization, so it's crucial to find the right balance.

Use High-Quality Visuals

Good images, GIFs, and videos that resonate with your audience and directly target your demography can make a huge difference. So our suggestion would be not to keep any random images and instead use good-quality images that capture and engage your visitors. 

How to Increase Conversion Rate by Selecting and Optimizing Visuals in the Best Ways:

  • Align with Audience Interests: Choose visuals that resonate with your target audience's tastes and values.
  • Leverage Authentic Content: Include user-generated content to build trust and credibility.
  • Use High-Resolution Images: Select clear, professional images for a positive impact. There are many free resources like Pexels, and you can even go for AI-generated images. 
  • Optimize File Sizes: Reduce image and video file sizes without compromising quality for faster loading times. WebP format images are well-suited for web pages and are also light. 
  • Incorporate Videos/GIFs: Use engaging videos to convey information effectively and showcase products. For lighter content, you can also go for GIFs. 
  • Apply Visual Hierarchy: Utilize size, placement, and color to emphasize key elements and CTAs.
  • Test and Measure Performance: Continuously test visuals to understand what works best for your audience and adjust accordingly.

Out of all the strategies we discussed, User-generated content is the most effective and authentic way to display visuals that speak with your audience. Testimonial videos, in particular, are very effective in communicating the right message. 

Otherwise, reviews, like Google reviews, can also signal social proof when integrated into your website. You can collect and manage video testimonials and Google reviews for free, using Testimonial Donut. Our dashboard is designed for a simplistic workflow, whether you’re a B2B or B2C online business. 

Source: Testimonial Donut

Implement Social Sharing Buttons

Social sharing buttons enable visitors to broadcast what you offer to a wider range of audience. For example, there could be a valuable blog on your website or a product that someone would like to share with more people. 

However, if they don’t have the option for that, that will be a huge opportunity cost that you will have to pay. Social sharing can bring more visitors and, hence, possibly more conversions. 

That also builds a good long-term business relationship with the user and positions your brand as credible. 

All that could directly or indirectly build more social proof, boost SEO, increase brand exposure, bring in more targeted traffic, and increase engagement, all leading to more conversions. 

Source: colorlib

How to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate by Better Placements of Social Sharing Buttons:

  • Strategic Placement: Position buttons near engaging content, such as blog posts, product pages, or infographics, where users are most likely to share.
  • Choose Key Networks: Focus on the social platforms most relevant to your audience for higher engagement rates.
  • Design for Visibility: Ensure buttons are noticeable but not intrusive, using contrasting colors and familiar icons.
  • Simplify Sharing: Use a share count or pop-up window to make sharing easy and quick.
  • Test and Monitor: Regularly evaluate button placement and design for effectiveness and adjust as needed.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

Let’s say, the customer is convinced and wants to transact with you. The last step in the conversion is payment. However, if the customer or client doesn’t feel secure about the payment methods, the conversion will never take place. 

Source: Zoho

Hence, we need to include reliable and multiple payment options with the best security to appear safe to users. Here are some things you must be mindful of:

  • Keep reliable and well-known payment networks that people trust. Brands like Stripe, Paypal, etc., are reliable. 
  • Go for global payment platforms.  
  • Accept major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
  • Also give the option for online methods that bypass credit card information, as customers may be hesitant to give away credit card information. 
  • Include Digital Wallets like Google Pay or Apple Pay. 
  • Display available payment methods early in the checkout process. This transparency can help set expectations and improve the customer experience.
  • Use secure and trusted payment gateways to process transactions, ensuring customers' payment information is protected.
  • Depending on your target audience, consider other payment options such as bank transfers, cryptocurrency, or buy now, pay later services.

Provide Clear Pricing Information

By doing this we are just ensuring that there’s no information gap and the process of conversion is seamless and transparent. Transparent pricing helps customers understand what they're paying for, eliminating surprises at checkout and boosting confidence in your brand.

How to Improve Conversion Rate with the Right Presentation of Pricing Information:

  • Use Pricing Tables: Organize options side-by-side for easy comparison, highlighting features and benefits.
  • Break Down Costs: Show itemized costs, including taxes, shipping, and any fees, to avoid unexpected charges.
  • Categories: Include feature comparisons and different pricing categories. 
  • Prominently Display Pricing: Place pricing details near product descriptions and on landing pages for maximum visibility.
  • Offer Pricing Clarity: Clearly state any discounts, promotions, or subscription details to avoid confusion.
  • Pricing Page: Have a dedicated page for pricing that is easily visible and can be visited. 

Source: Zoho Books (Transparent and well-laid out pricing plans)

Source: Zoho Books (Transparent and well-laid out pricing plans) 

Highlight Benefits & Features

Think of creative ways in which you can demonstrate how your products and services will benefit the user or their business by highlighting their benefits and features.

How to Increase Your Conversion Rate by Creating Persuasive Product Descriptions:

  • Focus on Benefits: Emphasize how your product or service improves customers' lives or businesses.
  • Do Creative & Experience-based Copywriting: A good copy must communicate and sell an experience to the user. 
  • Showcase Unique Selling Points: Highlight what makes your offering stand out from competitors.
  • Use Clear, Compelling Language: Avoid jargon; use language that resonates with your target audience.
  • Include Social Proof: Incorporate customer testimonials or reviews to build trust and credibility.
  • Utilize Visuals: Use images and videos to demonstrate features and benefits effectively.

A good example of a factual yet creative way of highlighting benefits is the product description by Rage Coffee. Notice how it uses visuals, design, symbols, social proof, to-the-point headings, and convincing descriptions to highlight the best of its product. 

At the button is the “Shop Now” CTA to close the deal. Just to give you the context of the social proof used here. Virat Kohli is an Indian sportsperson and popular celebrity and is at the center of this webpage. 

Source: Rage Coffee

Remove Distractions

Distractions, whether they are unnecessary steps, visual clutter, excessive ads, or links, keep the user away from what’s important and act as a resistance block to conversions. 

To create a smooth user experience and ensure maximum conversions, we suggest you implement one-page checkouts and autofill options to reduce user effort. 

Keep the checkout process simple and intuitive by providing clear, prominent calls to action and maintaining consistency in design elements. Clear any ambiguity around shipping and payment options. 

Value Before Purchase

This is simple! Before you ask, give! Offering value before pushing sales establishes trust and positions your product or service as a solution to the customer's needs. All methods we are discussing in this article are more or less value propositions. 

Providing valuable content such as blog posts, guides, and tutorials can educate potential customers about your offerings and how they address specific issues. 

By showcasing expertise and solving problems upfront, you build credibility and a relationship with the audience. Demonstrating value can also be achieved through free trials, demos, or samples. 

Monitor and Analyze Performance Metrics

Monitoring and analyzing performance metrics is crucial for tracking progress and identifying areas for improvement. Here are some Key Performance Metrics or KPIs you can track to improve conversions:

By regularly monitoring these KPIs, you can gain valuable insights into your website and marketing performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your business strategies.

Final Thoughts

Hope you got a comprehensive answer on how to increase your website's conversion rate. We have discussed various methods for cutting the clutter, building trust, and creating a high-performing and responsive website that compels the user to convert. 

To increase website conversion rate, simple and effective communication and building trust are the most essential goals. That’s what all the discussed strategies lead towards. Lastly, for better conversions, you must try the free Testimonial Donut dashboard and interface for effective testimonial and review collection and management. 

That will help you build social proof and trust, leading to higher conversions.  So do check Testimonial Donut out and get started right now on your conversion improvement journey. 


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