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How do you ask for Testimonials from Clients and Customers?

Published on
September 9, 2024

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Client testimonials are crucial for business growth and establishing credibility. They serve as social proof, validating a product's or service's quality and effectiveness. Potential customers often rely on testimonials to assess the experiences of others, making them more likely to trust a brand that showcases positive feedback. 

This influence can significantly impact purchasing decisions, increasing conversion rates and customer loyalty. However, requesting these feedback documents from customers/clients can take some work. 

In this article, we will discuss how to ask for testimonials so you can comfortably have a conversation with your clients/customers without coming across as too needy. 

Why Ask For Client Testimonials?

Consumers have increasingly lost faith in conventional business communication methods of marketing, advertising, and sales, in which the company boasts about its products or services. They like hearing from the customers about how they feel about the product/service rather than the company or producer itself.

According to a survey done in 2023 by Bright Local, 55% of customers lack trust in companies, while a striking 79% (according to Hubspot’s survey) rely on online reviews as much as they do on recommendations from friends or family.

The best source for winning the customers' trust remains “Word of Mouth.”

Social Proof

Testimonials are great social proof for happy customers and the biggest sign of trust and reliability. Testimonials add the personal touch that traditional marketing methods lack, and they humanize your overall brand.

When potential clients see others who have benefited from your products or services, it helps them visualize their value and effectiveness. This endorsement from peers can reduce fear of the unknown, making prospects more comfortable about engaging with your brand.

Trust Building

By presenting authentic testimonials, businesses can build trust with potential clients. Reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers provide evidence that the company is reliable and delivers on its promises. This assurance can be a deciding factor for customers evaluating whether to choose your business over competitors.

Conversion Rates

The presence of testimonials can significantly impact conversion rates. Positive feedback can create a sense of urgency or reassurance, motivating prospects to make a purchase. 

Studies indicate that effective testimonials can enhance customer decision-making, leading to higher sales and improved customer retention as clients feel more confident about their choices.

With that in place, you will build trust amongst new people and get more conversions. Let your loyal customers be your biggest sales pitch! Now, let’s see how you can ask for testimonials from your customers/clients. 

How to Ask for a Testimonial from a Client or Customer

Personalized Requests

When asking for a testimonial, personalization is key. Address your client by name and reference specific projects or interactions to show you value their input. 

A personalized request makes clients feel appreciated and increases the likelihood of a positive response. Consider mentioning how their feedback will help others and contribute to the growth of your business.

Specific Platforms

Choose the right platform based on your relationship with the client and their preferred communication style. Here are some options:

  • Email: Ideal for formal requests, allowing for detailed explanations and easy access to submit testimonials.
  • Social Media: If you have an active engagement with your client on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook, a direct message can foster a more casual and approachable request.
  • In-Person Meetings: If applicable, asking for testimonials during face-to-face meetings can create a personal touch, allowing clients to share their experiences immediately.

Clear Instructions

Provide clear and straightforward instructions for submitting testimonials. Specify the format you'd like (written, video, etc.) and the key points you hope they might address. 

If you have a dedicated form or a particular platform where you want the testimonials submitted, include those details. Streamlining the process minimizes friction and increases the chances that clients will follow through with their testimonials.

How to Ask for Client Testimonials: A Step-by-step Plan 

What kind of testimonial do you want from your customers?

The first step is to be clear about your question. Customers, especially happy customers, are happy to help and give testimonials. But a lot of times, they are not aware of what they can do to help the business. 

You have to decide whether you want a written testimonial, a video testimonial, a social media post testimonial, an online review, a case study, a success story, etc. 

Written testimonials are effective for websites and print as they're easy to display and don't slow down load times. Video testimonials, however, are more engaging, conveying emotion and authenticity. 

Online reviews enhance credibility on review platforms, while client testimonials on social media are easily shareable, reaching a wider audience and fostering trust.

Lastly, there are many ways by which your social media posts, online reviews, and website testimonials can be linked. You can also combine some of these methods. For example, look at how Gift A Melody has combined video and text testimonials, which look natural, attractive, and trustworthy at the same time. 

Make a list of your most successful customers 

Customers who have had a good experience with your product or service are most likely to give you good customer feedback more easily. Happy customers are eager to share their positive experiences to express gratitude for the value they received.

Success fosters a desire to reciprocate. Hence, satisfied customers are often more willing to help a business that aids their achievements.

So, make a list in ascending order of what you think were your best success stories with customers. Include the customers with whom you have good personal relationships at the top of that list. 

Asking Clients For Testimonials: Get the timings right!

Timing is crucial when requesting a testimonial. It's most effective to ask when a customer is most likely to provide positive feedback, typically right after a satisfying experience.

For example, a mortgage broker who has successfully secured a loan for a client is at the perfect juncture to request a testimonial. Similarly, an online course provider should seek feedback from students immediately after they've completed their course and received certification.

In the realm of SaaS businesses, the ideal moment for a testimonial is right after a support agent has resolved a technical issue for a customer. This is when clients are most willing to share positive experiences. The key is to engage with clients promptly following a successful service interaction.

Delaying the request can not only diminish the vividness and immediacy of the positive experience but may also result in customers not leaving a review at all. 

Take the example of Gift a Melody. They successfully obtained a testimonial right after delivering a product. This feedback vividly captured the customer's enthusiasm and satisfaction, emotions that might have been lost if the request for a testimonial had been delayed.

Method of communication 

You can reach out to your customers or clients via various methods, including mail, voice calls, video calls, etc. However, the effectiveness of these methods may vary depending on your customer behavior. 

People usually are less responsive to emails and other online communications, as they lack the important personal element. Please be mindful of the fact that you’re asking for a favor.  

Hence, for small businesses, we recommend that they reach out manually to the client and request testimonials. 

For mid to large-scale enterprises, prioritize personal outreach, at least with top clients. You can opt for automated mail for broader reach. But make sure to communicate as much personally as possible to ensure a sincere appeal for testimonials. 

Why would they say yes?

Customers are more inclined to say yes to providing a testimonial when they feel valued and appreciated. Incentives like discounts or special benefits can, of course, motivate them, but the core lies in fostering a meaningful, positive relationship. 

Customers are more likely to reciprocate with a testimonial when there's a personal connection, where they feel their input matters and is appreciated. People are more than willing to favor their friends and connections more than others. 

It's also about acknowledging their importance beyond just the transactional aspect and emphasizing the value of their voice in shaping the business's success. 

Overcoming Client Hesitation: How to Ask Clients for Testimonials Easily

Simplifying the Process

Simplify the process by offering convenience and support while asking for testimonials! For special clients, consider sending a team to record, ensuring a professional touch. Share a script or template to guide them and offer tips or sample videos for inspiration.

You can also conduct a Zoom call where you pose questions, creating a comfortable environment for them to share their experience. 

Best Questions to Ask During Video Testimonials

Keep it concise and straightforward. To ease their recording, suggest teleprompter apps that can assist in delivering their testimonial seamlessly and confidently. Just ensure that whatever you do must save them time and effort so it’s easy for them to help!

Make them look good!!!

Today, everyone is driven by social incentives, especially with the existence of apps like LinkedIn and Instagram. You make your customers look good by elevating their brand and showcasing their testimonials prominently. 

Tagging them on social media posts expressing gratitude for their valuable feedback highlights their association with your business, and enhancing their visibility can also help.

However, be mindful of it, as that could also backfire sometimes if a customer prefers privacy! So do ask for their consent (on a consent form, if possible) before doing any of that!

Lastly, testimonials also provide a platform for business customers to promote their brand.

See how Very Good Copy displays its clients’ profiles and designations, giving visibility to their brands.

Reminders & Follow-ups

After you have taken all the right steps to ask for a testimonial and have been professional and nice about it, you must follow up and gently remind those from whom you have requested the testimonial.

People usually don’t mind doing favors, but it’s not their top priority. With the busyness that occupies everyone, even the most well-intended people can procrastinate.

Hence, it doesn’t harm to follow up! However, the approach should remain professional. Avoid pestering or undue pressure, and ensure your request remains respectful and considerate.

Crafting the Request: How to Ask a Client for a Testimonial


Personalizing each request is vital to demonstrate your genuine interest in the client’s feedback. It shows that you recognize their unique relationship with your business, which fosters goodwill and increases the chances of receiving a testimonial.

You can also use email templates to make your process easier. 

Tone and Language

Using a friendly, appreciative, and professional tone is essential when requesting testimonials. This approach creates a positive atmosphere and encourages clients to share their thoughts.

Sample Language and Phrases

  • Friendly Opening:

"I hope you're having a fantastic day!"

"It’s always great to catch up with you."

  • Expressions of Appreciation

"Thank you so much for your continued support."

"I truly value our collaboration and your insights."

  • Request for Feedback

"Would you mind sharing your experience with us in a few sentences?"

"I'd love to hear your thoughts—your feedback would help others."

  • Encouraging Clarity

"If you're able, perhaps you could touch on [specific aspect]?"

"Feel free to express anything that stood out to you."

  • Positive Closing

"Thanks for considering this—I appreciate it!"

"Looking forward to hearing from you soon!"

Crafting a Pitch: How to Ask Client for Testimonial

Consider this a flow of conversation that you can apply in whatever medium you communicate.  

Step 1: Warm up the client/customer

  • Greetings & appreciation for their partnership 

(Build Personal Connection)

  • Recall positive interactions or projects
    You can also talk about any good memories or conversations you had together. For example, in a client interaction, I remember the client telling me some issues with his wife’s health. So that was the first question I asked him when we spoke again. That displayed genuine care and also established a deeper layer in the relationship.
  • Value of Feedback

Emphasize the significance of their feedback. Be a little vulnerable and tell them that you need their help and how their help could make a genuine difference! Make them feel important about themselves and your partnership with them.

Step 2 - The Ask (How to Ask for a Client Testimonial)

  • Politely Request for Testimonial

You can say something like, “I hope you don’t mind doing me a favor. Can you help me with your testimony on…” or “We are doing testimonials on __. Do you mind sharing your experience?”

  • Guidelines for Testimonial

(Provide specific questions or guidelines for their testimonial) 

  • Benefits of Testimonials

(Explain how testimonials benefit both parties) 

  • Assurance of Privacy

(Ensure their privacy or anonymity if needed) 

Step 3 - Support Provision

  • Make it convenient for them
    Based on the request you make from them, ensure the highest level of convenience and additional support to make this process easier for them and cost them as little time or effort as possible. 
  • Incentives (if applicable)

Offer incentives for providing testimonials 

  • Visual Aids or Examples

(Share examples of effective testimonials or showcase testimonial pages)

Step 4 - Reminders

  • Follow-up Communication

Even helpful people sometimes procrastinate, so it’s important to consistently remind them! 

  • Be professional about it!
    In these situations, it’s easy to come across as desperate or pushy. So just be mindful of that!

Step 5 - Gratitude & Appreciation

  • Express sincere gratitude for their time and willingness 

How do you ask for a Video Testimonial from a Client? 

Video testimonials take the most effort, as the client will have to record themselves. People can also feel camera-conscious or uncomfortable. Hence, this process involves a lot of resistance.

So, I suggest that you start by expressing gratitude for their partnership and maybe talk about a standout project or interaction. Then, politely ask if they'd consider sharing their positive experience on video, ensuring it's convenient for them and offering support with guidelines or questions. 

Emphasize the value of their story in helping others and assure them of any privacy preferences. Provide flexibility in recording—whether through a professional setup, smartphone, or virtual call—and express appreciation for their time and contribution.

Testimonial Video Tips Guaranteed to Grow Your Business

How to request a Testimonial as a Social Media Shoutout? 

When asking for a social media testimonial or review from a client, after following the above-mentioned steps of catching up with them and introducing your request, highlight the ease of leaving a review on their preferred platform and offer guidance or prompts if helpful.

Maybe ask them if they would need a template or script or any other help. Clarify all their doubts and share examples. Lastly, share the link with them and ask them to let you know when the work is done. Don’t forget to thank them for their help! 

How do you ask for a written testimonial from a Client for your website? 

Written testimonials are fairly easy and do not take much effort. So, the first step of interaction with your client should be greeting them and reminding them of your rapport with them. 

Then, simply tell them that you’d appreciate their testimonial on your website so potential customers can see it. Discuss how much their testimonial means to you. At the same time, ensure their comfort by respecting their privacy preferences. 

If they are comfortable with your request, you can ask for a feedback email or a text message (or anything you can document and save as proof), emphasizing their experience, what they liked about the services/products, and also if there’s anything they’d suggest to improve. 

If you have received the testimonial and you want to edit it, it’s always a good idea to share the testimony with the person who’s written it for review and approval. They may want to change some words or correct grammatical mistakes. It could be anything! 

Thank them sincerely for their time and willingness to contribute. Lastly, quote something from their feedback and ask if you can post that quote on your website. Once you receive their consent, you can post their testimonial. 

How do you request a Google Review from a client or customer?

Google allows Google business profiles and online listings to send a shareable link by which your customers/clients can add their reviews and give ratings to your business. Simply go to your business profile, make sure you’re logged in, and in the reviews section, click on “Get more reviews.”

That will open a new window from where you can copy the link and share it with your customers. 

Final Thoughts

We covered a detailed account of how to ask for testimonials and discussed every aspect that you might feel stuck at. Feel free to use this guide anytime you find yourself lost in the complexities of requesting and getting testimonials from clients. 

If you find all this work too much of a hassle, you can also consider Testimonial Donut, a platform that allows you to collect testimonials (video and text) and aggregate testimonials and shoutouts from a range of online sources (Google, X.com, LinkedIn, Capterra, Reddit, ProductHunt, Instagram) for you to easily showcase on your website without having to write any code yourself.


Add testimonials & reviews to you website for free.

Collect, manage, share all your testimonials & reviews in one place. All 100% free. So bloody easy your gran can do it!

Take a look at Testimonial Donut
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