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Best Testimonial Examples To Learn From

Published on
July 9, 2024

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Have you ever stumbled upon a product or service online and found yourself scrolling through pages of glowing testimonials, wondering if they're the real deal or just cleverly crafted marketing ploys?

Well, you're not alone! In today's digital age, testimonials serve as modern-day word-of-mouth, offering a glimpse into the real experiences of others and helping us make informed decisions.

But what separates a mediocre testimonial from one that truly captivates and resonates with its audience? This article will explore some of the best testimonial examples, analyzing their effectiveness in conveying trust, authenticity, and value. 

We'll cover a range of great testimonial examples, from personal anecdotes to concise endorsements that have impacted consumers and businesses. 

What Makes a Good Testimonial?

Testimonials go beyond saying good things about a brand or products/services. They are important for breaking the wall of doubt and building trust amongst users. 

When someone is making a choice and deciding whether they should spend their hard-earned money on a brand or not, they must be convinced that choosing your brand is the right decision. 

A good testimonial does exactly that. Here are some qualities of a great testimonial:

  • Authenticity: Authentic testimonials come from real customers who have genuinely benefited from your product or service. Authenticity is key to building trust with potential customers.
  • Specificity: Effective testimonials are detailed and give specific examples of how a product or service was useful. Testimonials that include hard data or specific outcomes are particularly impressive.
  • Relatability: A good testimonial is one that your target customer can relate to. It should come from someone who represents your target customer demographic and discusses situations or problems that your potential customers might also encounter.
  • Emotional Appeal: Testimonials that evoke emotion can be very impactful. Telling a compelling story about overcoming adversity, achieving a goal, or experiencing personal growth can resonate with potential customers on an emotional level.
  • Visual Appeal: Include photos, videos, or other visual elements in your testimonials to make them more engaging and memorable. 

Best Written Testimonial Examples

Microsoft Teams

Source: Microsoft Teams

These testimonials are short, easy to read, and straightforward. Moreover, a single-line summary is given at the top of each testimonial in the form of a heading. Testimonials consist of the name and workplace of the person to add more context and relatability to them. 

The visual representation is consistent with the branding of Teams and the overall aesthetic and formatting is simple yet visually pleasing. The information provided in each testimonial is not too much but still insightful in a way that it gives you a glimpse of the experience of using the product/service(s). 

Imarticus Learning (Student testimonials website examples)

Source: Imarticus Learning

Imarticus displays its student testimonials well. Firstly, it displays a picture of the student that humanizes the testimonial instantly and makes it relatable. Next, it includes the complete names and companies of the students to make the testimonials more credible, professional, and elite.

It includes quotes directly from the students that make the testimonials authentic. Lastly, the rating system gives a quantitative summary of the testimonial and makes it more “review-like.”  

Coursera (for Quote testimonials)

Source: Coursera

Coursera, under each course, has testimonials from students in the form of reviews in quotation marks. These are direct, short, and straightforward testimonials from a diverse set of students. 

Video Testimonials (Best Testimonial Video Examples)


Source: mhelpdesk

HelpDesk has a decent video testimonial/success stories page as it gives a straightforward display of video testimonials and also gives single-line quotations from the video underneath the video as a summary for users who may be in a rush. 

The videos on this mhelpdesk page are some great client testimonial video examples!

H&M (Best for Employee and Video Testimonials)

Source: H&M’s effective employee testimonial strategy

Employee testimonials offer a unique perspective on the workplace culture, values, and overall experience within the company. When employees share their stories and experiences, it provides potential recruits with valuable insights into what it's really like to work there. 

Authentic employee testimonials can attract top talent by showcasing a positive and supportive work environment, which can be a significant competitive advantage in today's job market.

On the other hand, video testimonials add an extra layer of authenticity and impact. In an age where visual content reigns supreme, video testimonials provide a dynamic and compelling way to convey messages. The combination of visuals, tone of voice, and facial expressions creates a more personal connection with the audience, making the testimonials more relatable and persuasive.

H&M does a great job of highlighting that employee culture through its authentic phone-shot testimonials, which look real and are short, precise, and engaging. These are not overtly produced and do not look “corporate.” That just gives it more soul and makes it trustworthy.  

Churchill Mortgage (Short Form Video Testimonial)

Source: YouTube

Churchill Mortgage believes in the power of storytelling, and their short-form video testimonials pack a punch. In just a few seconds, these videos capture the essence of Churchill Mortgage's impact on people's lives. Whether it's helping a family achieve their dream of homeownership or guiding individuals through the complexities of mortgage lending, Churchill Mortgage's testimonials showcase real stories of success and empowerment. With genuine emotions and heartfelt testimonials, these short videos leave a lasting impression, demonstrating Churchill Mortgage's commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

You can also collect compelling video testimonials from your customers or clients by using Testimonial Donut and its testimonial management and collection dashboard, video recording tools, templates, and more. It offers a lot of tools that can take your content marketing to the next level, and that too for free. 

Social Media Testimonials

Smash Balloon (Twitter & WordPress Integration)

Source: Smash Balloon’s Customer Feedback Wall featuring Tweets and WordPress reviews as testimonials 

Source: Smash Balloon’s Customer Feedback Wall featuring Tweets and WordPress reviews as testimonials 

Integrating social media posts and reviews/testimonials from platforms like Twitter and WordPress onto your website can help you build more trust and credibility. 

These authentic endorsements prove your brand's value, influencing potential customers' purchasing decisions and increasing conversions. 

You actively manage your online reputation by showcasing positive feedback and demonstrating transparency and responsiveness. 

Moreover, incorporating social media content drives engagement and interactivity, fostering a sense of community around your brand. 

It also ensures a steady stream of fresh and user-generated content, keeping your website dynamic and appealing to visitors, ultimately enhancing your online presence and competitiveness.

Maya Chia (Before-After and Image Testimonials)

Source: Instagram/Maya Chia Beauty

Source: Maya Chia’s Instagram - Highlight for “Before | After,” which is great for their Target audience

Maya Chia is a beauty and cosmetics brand and its Instagram is a case study on its own about how you can integrate your testimonials on your social media. 

They utilize these before-after testimonials in their posts, stories, highlights, videos/reels, and more. Moreover, they include quotations and image/video posts directly from customers and sometimes in collaboration with them. 

Maya Chia is also great with influencer testimonials and endorsements. Check out the following Repost from the brand by a customer. 


Zudio (Best for UGC)

Zudio does a solid job with its social media! It encourages users to post themselves in Zudio’s wardrobe by using a hashtag strategy and then reposts those stories, posts, reels, etc. That gives them plenty of free marketing. 

Along with that, it also posts in collaboration with influencers and customers as well. 

Source: Instagram/Zudio
Source: Instagram/Zudio

Influencer and Celebrity Testimonials


WILL is the official memoir of Will Smith written by himself along with Mark Manson. When you see a testimonial by Oprah about the book, you feel compelled to read it, given how influential she is. 

Source: WILL


Astrotalk is a brand that utilizes testimonials from celebrities and influencers and uses them to promote its app and sell its services. It has a very strong Instagram strategy, wherein it shows ads and content that features these influencers talking about their experience with the application. 

Source: AstroTalk/Instagram

Case Studies and Success Stories

Slack (for  Business-to-Business Testimonial Examples and Client Success Stories)

Source: Slack

Slack is primarily for organizations to improve their communication and productivity. Keeping that in mind, its client/customer success stories are right on point. The browser and filter options are great, so you can look for case studies in your niche, department, or industry. 

The stories are also well-organized and documented. 

Bizzabo (Most well-formatted customer testimonial examples)

Case studies are vital testimonials for businesses, offering detailed accounts of real-world scenarios where products or services have significantly impacted. They provide concrete evidence of success, showcasing tangible outcomes and results achieved. 

By presenting satisfied customers' experiences, case studies build trust and credibility in the brand, showing a track record of delivering on promises. They serve as social proof, reassuring potential customers and providing the confidence needed to make purchase decisions. 

Source: Bizzabo’s Case Study and Quotes as Testimonials

Additionally, case studies highlight unique value propositions, setting businesses apart from competitors. Incorporating them into marketing strategies helps attract and convert more customers by demonstrating the effectiveness of products or services.

Source: Bizzabo’s Case Study Testimonials

Finally, case studies also boost SEO and conversion rates. Bizzabo uses case studies beautifully!

It has a heading, a summary of the customer experience in quotation marks, a little profile overview of the customer, and lastly, 4 simple metrics/statistics that highlight their customer experience and the benefit they received in pure numbers. 

Code Academy (Best for SEO and Engagement)

Source: Code Academy’s Testimonials Blogs for SEO 

As we explored Code Academy's content strategy, we were genuinely impressed by how they use customer stories in their blogs. It's like they've cracked the code!

They don't just slap on any old testimonial. They carefully pick stories from their users and turn them into cool blog posts. Reading them feels like chatting with a friend who's sharing their success story with you.

Source: Code Academy 

There are 1000+ articles full of customer stories on their website! These stories aren't just good reads; they're also helping Code Academy get noticed more on Google. 

These engaging stories keep users on their website for longer periods. That helps Code Academy rank better in search results. These blogs also contain various keywords, ranging from short to long-tailed. 

Moreover, these customer blogs are not just about learning code; they're about changing lives. Reading about others who've succeeded with Code Academy makes you feel like you can do it, too. 

That further builds more emotional connection and brand value and inspires users to join Code Academy. In business terminology, it increases conversions.  

Shopify (Best for documenting client/customer stories)

Source: Shopify’s Customer Success Stories as Testimonials
Source: Shopify’s Customer Success Stories as Testimonials

Shopify stands out as the ultimate storyteller, expertly documenting the journeys of its clients and customers. With its user-friendly platform and robust tools, Shopify empowers businesses to thrive in the digital landscape. 

Their testimonials go beyond mere endorsements, offering immersive narratives that capture the essence of entrepreneurship and innovation. 

From startups breaking barriers to established brands reinventing themselves, Shopify's client and customer stories inspire and inform, providing invaluable insights for anyone embarking on their e-commerce journey.

Again, these testimonials also boost SEO, reader engagement, and conversions. 

Third-Party Review Sites

Lend Power (Video and Google Reviews Testimonials Integration)

Lend Power works in the mortgage industry, where trust is quite important, as the stakes are high, and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime investment! Hence, genuine and effective testimonials become almost a necessity for businesses like these. 

Lend Power does a good job of including the following:

  • Video testimonials for more engagement and authenticity 
  • Written testimonials for easy readability
  • Google Reviews for brand trust and social proofing
Source: Lend Power’s Video and Google Reviews as Testimonials

One Vision (integrating Trust Pilot reviews)

One Vision Pvt Ltd utilizes its Trust Pilot reviews and integrates them as testimonials on its website. You can also do the same with Google Reviews.  

Source: One Vision

Yelp (Best for Customer Reviews)

Source: Yelp’s Customer Reviews

With its vast user base and transparent review system, Yelp offers a lot of social proof and invaluable insights for consumers making purchasing decisions. From restaurants and retail stores to service providers and local businesses, Yelp's diverse range of reviews helps you navigate the marketplace with confidence. 

By showcasing authentic feedback and ratings from real customers, Yelp not only aids in informed decision-making but also holds businesses accountable for their service quality and reputation. 

Whether seeking the best pizza joint in town or a reliable plumber, Yelp remains a go-to destination for honest, unbiased, and user-generated reviews.

Innovative Testimonial Formats

Contrarian Thinking/Codie Sanchez (for Personal Branding)

Source - Contrarian Thinking/Codie Sanchez Personal Brand Testimonials

Consider this a bonus for solopreneurs or those building a personal brand or a one-man business. Codie Sanchez is also a YouTuber and a TikTok influencer with a collective 2M+ community.

Yet, she also relies on testimonials to sell her services. Note how the testimonials have the logo of the platform from where they are collected. If you click on the logo, you will be directed to that social media. For example, if you click on the Facebook logo, the original Facebook post testimonial will open. 

Moreover, this video testimonial is one of the best and most authentic video testimonials we have come across. Whether you’re a CEO, a solopreneur, or a freelancer, you can learn a lot from this.

Squarespace (Customer-centric testimonials)

Source: Squarspace’s Customer Stories as Testimonials
Source: Squarspace’s Customer Stories as Testimonials

Squarespace’s testimonials are very elaborate and offer great insight into the customers' stories. For those who don’t know, Squarespace offers easy website design templates, workflow, interfaces, and more. 

Since its potential customers are mostly entrepreneurs and freelancers, they could be quite design-conscious. Its testimonials are perfect for catering to those customers and show inspiring success stories that they can relate to or get inspiration from. 

Final Thoughts

Testimonials are the best way to speak to your customers and do effortless storytelling about how the customer experience will be. Hope these examples of testimonials help you with crafting more creative and compelling testimonials. 

We discussed the best testimonial examples for everything from video to written and image testimonials, case studies, images, review sites, and more. 

If you also want to integrate similar testimonials on your website and win the trust of people considering you for business, you must try our platform, Testimonial Donut.

We offer everything from a dashboard wherein you can collect and manage testimonials, widgets that you can integrate into your website, video recording tools, testimonial templates, and more. The best part is that we charge zero to little money for that. So do check us out!

H&M (Best for Employee and Video Testimonials)

Source: H&M’s effective employee testimonial strategy

Employee testimonials offer a unique perspective on the workplace culture, values, and overall experience within the company. When employees share their stories and experiences, it provides potential recruits with valuable insights into what it's really like to work there. 

Authentic employee testimonials can attract top talent by showcasing a positive and supportive work environment, which can be a significant competitive advantage in today's job market.

On the other hand, video testimonials add an extra layer of authenticity and impact. In an age where visual content reigns supreme, video testimonials provide a dynamic and compelling way to convey messages. The combination of visuals, tone of voice, and facial expressions creates a more personal connection with the audience, making the testimonials more relatable and persuasive.

H&M does a great job of highlighting that employee culture through its authentic phone-shot testimonials, which look real and are short, precise, and engaging. These are not overtly produced and do not look “corporate.” That just gives it more soul and make them trustworthy.  

Smash Balloon (Twitter & WordPress Integration)

Source: Smash Balloon’s Customer Feedback Wall featuring Tweets and WordPress reviews as testimonials 
Source: Smash Balloon’s Customer Feedback Wall featuring Tweets and WordPress reviews as testimonials 

Integrating social media posts and reviews/testimonials from platforms like Twitter and WordPress onto your website can help you build more trust and credibility. 

These authentic endorsements prove your brand's value, influencing potential customers' purchasing decisions and increasing conversions. 

You actively manage your online reputation by showcasing positive feedback and demonstrating transparency and responsiveness. 

Moreover, incorporating social media content drives engagement and interactivity, fostering a sense of community around your brand. 

It also ensures a steady stream of fresh and user-generated content, keeping your website dynamic and appealing to visitors, ultimately enhancing your online presence and competitiveness.

Songflinch (Best for Emotional Connection & Cross-Media Testimonials)

Songflinch does a solid job with testimonials! Firstly, notice how they have integrated quotations, which are text testimonials, along with videos.

Next, note how real these videos look. No high production or professionally shot videos. Instead, it has kept simple and authentic phone-shot videos that display genuine emotions. 

Source: Songflinch’s Emotional Testimonials

Then, you must notice how cleverly they have placed the CTA (Call To Action), which many websites and brands are missing out on in their testimonial strategy. Their red-colored “Start your song” button is quite eye-catching and temps you to click on it. 

Moving on, they have also connected their artist testimonials along with some statistics that tell the reader that they’re not just purchasing a song or a gift, they’re offering employment opportunities to artists, too. 

Source: Songflinch’s Artists Testimonials

Finally, it utilizes its Trust Pilot reviews and integrates them as testimonials on its website. You can also do the same with Google Reviews.  

Source: Songflinch’s Trustpilot Reviews as Testimonials

Bizzabo (Best for Case Studies)

Case studies are vital testimonials for businesses, offering detailed accounts of real-world scenarios where products or services have significantly impacted. They provide concrete evidence of success, showcasing tangible outcomes and results achieved. 

By presenting satisfied customers' experiences, case studies build trust and credibility in the brand, showing a track record of delivering on promises. They serve as social proof, reassuring potential customers and providing the confidence needed to make purchase decisions. 

Source: Bizzabo’s Case Study and Quotes as Testimonials

Additionally, case studies highlight unique value propositions, setting businesses apart from competitors. Incorporating them into marketing strategies helps attract and convert more customers by demonstrating the effectiveness of products or services.

Source: Bizzabo’s Case Study Testimonials

Finally, case studies also boost SEO and conversion rates. Bizzabo uses case studies beautifully!

It has a heading, a summary of the customer experience in quotation marks, a little profile overview of the customer, and lastly, 4 simple metrics/statistics that highlight their customer experience and the benefit they received in pure numbers. 

Lend Power (Video and Google Reviews Testimonials Integration)

Lend Power works in the mortgage industry, where trust is quite important, as the stakes are high, and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime investment! Hence, genuine and effective testimonials become almost a necessity for businesses like these. 

Lend Power does a good job of including the following:

  • Video testimonials for more engagement and authenticity 
  • Written testimonials for easy readability
  • Google Reviews for brand trust and social proofing
Source: Lend Power’s Video and Google Reviews as Testimonials

Yelp (Best for Customer Reviews)

Source: Yelp’s Customer Reviews

With its vast user base and transparent review system, Yelp offers a lot of social proof and invaluable insights for consumers making purchasing decisions. From restaurants and retail stores to service providers and local businesses, Yelp's diverse range of reviews helps you navigate the marketplace with confidence. 

By showcasing authentic feedback and ratings from real customers, Yelp not only aids in informed decision-making but also holds businesses accountable for their service quality and reputation. 

Whether seeking the best pizza joint in town or a reliable plumber, Yelp remains a go-to destination for honest, unbiased, and user-generated reviews.

Squarespace (Customer-centric testimonials)

Source: Squarspace’s Customer Stories as Testimonials
Source: Squarspace’s Customer Stories as Testimonials

Squarespace’s testimonials are very elaborate and offer great insight into the customers' stories. For those who don’t know, Squarespace offers easy website design templates, workflow, interfaces, and more. 

Since its potential customers are mostly entrepreneurs and freelancers, they could be quite design-conscious. Its testimonials are perfect for catering to those customers and show inspiring success stories that can relate to or get inspiration from. 

Shopify (Best for documenting client/customer stories)

Source: Shopify’s Customer Success Stories as Testimonials
Source: Shopify’s Customer Success Stories as Testimonials

Shopify stands out as the ultimate storyteller, expertly documenting the journeys of its clients and customers. With its user-friendly platform and robust tools, Shopify empowers businesses to thrive in the digital landscape. 

Their testimonials go beyond mere endorsements, offering immersive narratives that capture the essence of entrepreneurship and innovation. 

From startups breaking barriers to established brands reinventing themselves, Shopify's client and customer stories inspire and inform, providing invaluable insights for anyone embarking on their e-commerce journey.

Again, these testimonials also boost SEO, reader engagement, and conversions. 

Churchill Mortgage (Short Form Video Testimonial)


Churchill Mortgage believes in the power of storytelling, and their short-form video testimonials pack a punch. In just a few seconds, these videos capture the essence of Churchill Mortgage's impact on people's lives. Whether it's helping a family achieve their dream of homeownership or guiding individuals through the complexities of mortgage lending, Churchill Mortgage's testimonials showcase real stories of success and empowerment. With genuine emotions and heartfelt testimonials, these short videos leave a lasting impression, demonstrating Churchill Mortgage's commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Contrarian Thinking/Codie Sanchez (for Personal Branding)

Source - Contrarian Thinking/Codie Sanchez Personal Brand Testimonials

Consider this a bonus for solopreneurs or those building a personal brand or a one-man business. Codie Sanchez is also a YouTuber and a TikTok influencer with a collective 2M+ community.

Yet, she also relies on testimonials to sell her own services. Note how the testimonials have the logo of the platform from where they are collected. If you click on the logo, you will be directed to that social media. For example, if you click on the Facebook logo, the original Facebook post testimonial will open. 

Moreover, this video testimonial is one of the best and most authentic video testimonials we have come across. Whether you’re a CEO, a solopreneur, or a freelancer, you can learn a lot from this. 


Testimonials are the best way to speak to your customers and do effortless storytelling about how the customer experience will be. If you also want to integrate similar testimonials on your website and win the trust of people considering you for business, you must try our platform, Testimonial Donut.

We offer everything from a dashboard wherein you can collect and manage testimonials, widgets that you can integrate into your website, video recording tools, testimonial templates, and more. The best part is that we charge zero to little money for that. So do check us out!


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